“Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants” is an adventurous and funny book written and illustrated by Dav Pilkey and published by Scholastic.
This story is about two cool kids called George and Harold who make a comic book called “The Adventures of Captain Underpants”. George and Harold have a mean principal named Mister Krupp who hates children. George and Harold buy a 3D hypno ring, hypnotise Mister Krupp and turn him into Captain Underpants. One day a genius from Sweden called Professor Poopypants comes to America with his special machines called the Shrinking Pig 2000 and the Goosy Grow 4000 to demonstrate how to use the machines to his new class. When Mr. Poopypants goes to his new school he tells his students what his name is and they start laughing so hard they almost pee their pants. A few days later Mr Poopypants loses his temper so he builds a silly new name chart and a robot that is ten stories high. At the end of the day Captain Underpants saves the day by beating up Mr Poopypants.
his is one of the funniest books I have ever read in my life. I can’t wait to read more Captain Underpants books here at Craigburn primary school. Grade twos[7 or 8 years old] will also love this series .