“Take it Easy Danny Allen” is written by Phil Cummings, illustrated by David Cox and published by pan Macmillan Australia.
Danny Allen is an independent young boy whose family have been forced to move to the city where it is dark, cold and very rainy.
Danny’s parents try to find work. It takes them a while but eventually they find work, his mum as a baker for Mr. Caruso who works in the cakes and confectionary shop opposite their new house. Dad becomes a carpenter who fixes the old kings theatre and builds possum boxes.
Danny has lots of fun with Aine and Weaver [some friends from their community] on a slide that their dad built .The slide is made of old air conditioning pipes that are square shaped. At the end there is a big concert about the Allen family. [They get the best seats!]
I recommend this book for all ages that can read the words.