Diary of a Wimpy Kid Cabin Fever is a hilarious story written by Jeff Kinney and published by the penguin group. This awesome story is about a boy called Greg with his annoying brothers Manny and Roderick and his Mum getting stuck in their boring house while outside, the snow is three feet high! The snowstorm came the day Mum was going to go food shopping so they had practically no food. You’re probably wondering where Dad is. He is at a high standard hotel (because he can’t come home because of the snow) having the time of his life with his own toilet, bathroom, you name it, he’s got it! After a long three days it stopped snowing and he could come home. On the way home he got some food for the family but it ended up with Mum, Greg, Roderick and Manny all gobbling it up because they had eaten no food for three days! There are other parts in the book but you will have to read the book yourself! “Diary of a Wimpy Kid Cabin Fever is a really funny book and I would think students in years 3-5 would absolutely love it!
Book Review Written By Christopher Room 26