Hi All,
Welcome to Term 2!
Although it still seems a long time away, the Festival of Music preparations are well underway.
We have our choir assessment on Week 4, only 3 rehearsals to go… so hopefully you are hearing your child practising and memorising the songs, maybe even adding some choreography!
For our performance at the Performing Arts Showcase in Term 3 & also our PSMF Festival Theatre performance (both dates TBA), your child will need a PSMF T-Shirt.
Please find the order form and an image of the colours attached. Order forms must be returned with payment.
*If you have one from previous years you do not need to order a new one*
Two chances to order:
First order- Form due with payment no later than Monday May 7th.
Final order- Form due with payment no later than Monday June 18th.
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