
Welcome to a new school year at Craigburn Primary School! This year we are very excited to have not one but TWO German teachers! Frau James will be rejoined by Frau Smith, who is very excited to be back after taking a year off to spend with her baby boy.

We are looking forward to using this blog as a way to share our learning with our peers, our parents and the whole world.

Check back regularly!

3 thoughts on “Willkommen!

  1. Guten tag Frau Smith und Frau James!
    We are very excited to have zwei German teachers this year, welcome back Frau Smith.
    We love our German lessons in Room 20 and the children were very happy to have Frau James as our teacher again this year.

  2. It’s exciting to have 2 German teachers. I hear about what happens in class, because all 3 of my children thoroughly enjoy German! Luckily, we have a spread between the 2 teachers, and I hear about both Frau Smith and Frau James, and all the exciting work you do!

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