EU Car Licence Plates

The Year 6/7s have been exploring Germany and its place in the world. We now know that Germany touches 9 (NINE!) other countries. We also learnt that in the European Union, or the EU, cars have licence plates that tell us which country they are from. Can you work out where each of these licence plates come from? And why does one NOT have the EU symbol (the yellow ring of stars on a blue background)?200px-Lastplate

347px-Austrian_license_plate.svg 347px-Czech_license_plate.svg 347px-Luxemburgian_license_plate.svg 347px-Polish_license_plate.svg 612px-DK_common_license_plate_2009.svg AA-229-AA_ref Belgian_License_plate_from_2010-11-16_onwards Plate-KA-PA777 Switzerland_licence_plate_2007_from_Sankt_Gallen_canton

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