Year 2 classes – extending our counting

This week the Year 2 students have been revising their numbers to 10. They needed to write the number as a word, as a numeral and then show how many with pictures. We talked about how we needed to be confident counting to 10 to be able to learn the patterns when counting to 20. We also played a favourite class game of ‘Buzz’ to remind us of our counting!

After this task many students started looking at numbers to 20 in German. We discussed the patterns that most of the numbers follow (except, elf, zwolf and zwanzig!) and showed this understanding by colour-coding numbers. We now know that ‘teenager’ numbers in German usually have a small number (like drei) with 10 (zehn) at the end: drei + zehn = dreizehn = 13!

Finally we played the game of ‘Zahlen Kopfs” (Number Heads). This is a new game! One student sits on a chair in front of the class with a headband on. Attached to their headband is a number written in German – but they don’t know what it is! They  need to guess numbers in German and the students need to either say, ‘hoch’ (higher), ‘niedrig’ (lower) or, with two thumbs up, ‘ja!’ if they get it right. The students LOVED playing this!


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