Towards the end of last term the primary students participated in a task that saw them making a ‘lucky dip’ creature!
To begin with, each student was given 5 slips of paper. One the first piece they had to choose a number between 1 and 10 and write that along with the word ‘Augen’ (eyes). On the second, a number with ‘Bein’ (legs), the third, a number with ‘Arm’, the fourth, a number with ‘Kopf’ (head) and the last a colour and ‘Haar’ (hair).
They then folded each piece and put in the 5 different labelled containers.
Next, each student took in turns to choose one piece from each container. They needed to then create a creature using the number of body parts they had ‘lucky dipped.’ We had a lot of 10 headed creatures!
It was a fun game to practice numbers, writing and reading in German.