What a great start to German at Craigburn in 2017!
During the first week, all classes from Years 3-7 explored the reasons behind why it is important to learn another language. The students first brainstormed and created a mind map in small groups before watching a clip of British students talking about why language learning was important to them. They then had a limited time (no more than half an hour in some cases!) to create a very short and raw iMovie clip talking about why it is important to learn a language. Some examples of these will be posted soon! All students did a great job and we had plenty of interesting discussions around the reasons and benefits of language learning.
The second week of German led us back into the German language, revising skills from last year and building upon this knowledge. The Year 3 students were introduced to the patterns of counting to 100 while the Year 4 and 5 students warmed up with a game of ‘Leute Bingo’ before problem solving and matching German questions and answers. The Year 6/7 students revised some basic skills before translating a piece of German text – fantastic work!