Liebe Brieffreund…

In German we have been learning how to ask and answer a variety of simple questions. Questions we have learnt about include:

Wie heiBt du?

Wie alt bist du?

Wo wohnst du?

Welche Klasse hast du?

Hast du einen Bruder oder eine Schwester?

Wie heiBt deine Schule?

Once we had learnt how to ask and answer these questions we started writing a letter to a penpal. Most of our penpals were children in another class in our school.

We were very impressed that by the end of our unit we were able to write an entire letter in German and read the letter we received back.

To show our appreciation to our penpal we then completed ‘danke’ notes. The ‘danke’ notes told our penpal what we think they did really well.

Here are some examples of our finished letter and danke notes.



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