Another class have finished their weather comparative pictures! Families, see Seesaw for a close-up.
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Frau Humphrys’ Klasse
Frau Hook’s Klasse
Frau Prideaux und Frau Green’s Klasse
Frau Grimmer’s Klasse
Frau Fern’s Klasse
In today’s lesson with Frau Fern’s Year 1 class we used the Seesaw app in German for the first time!
Once each student’s weather comparison picture was finished and laminated we used the Seesaw app to add to individual accounts. The most exciting part was that we were receiving comments from parents before our German lesson had even finished!
Year 1 und 2 Kinder
Our Year 1 and 2 students have been very busy this week creating a weather comparison picture.
We’ve been looking at globes and discussing how Australia and Germany experience different seasons at the same time of year. We have been using vocabulary like equator, southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere.
The students then needed to draft two sentences into their books; 1 describing the weather in Australia and another describing the weather in Germany at the same time of year. This helps the students to compare the weather types. Our Year 2 students were challenged to create longer sentences using the joining word, ‘und.’
Once the sentences were drafted, the kids got creative! They could use crayons, pencils or colour paper and cellophane (or a combination of all of these) to create a comparative art piece.
The final products will be laminated for the students to keep.
Frau Harry’s Klasse
Frau Dow’s Klasse
What a lot of work our Reception children from Frau Dow’s class did today!
Each student first chose a pet that we’ve been learning about and created that pet out of plasticine. They then added a background to the card the animal sits on and then completed an information piece. The information piece included:
- the animal’s name
- the animal type (in German)
- the colours used (in German)
- their name
Aren’t the finished products ‘fantastich!?’
Reception Kinder
This week we have been doing some ‘Mathematik’ in German with the Reception students! We surveyed our class to find out how many of certain pets we had. We counted the number of children in German and recorded them on our worksheet. We then had to find out how to write both the animal name and number in German.
Every class owned different numbers of animals!