Our Clever Year 2s

Look at how clever our Year 2 students are!

Students are working in groups of 3 to not only write their own plays, but also perform them!

Each group has one shopkeeper and 2 customers, who must come in and order something.

The children are working hard together to write their script – here are some of Frau Chick and Frau Sporn’s students at work!

Our Clever Year 2s on PhotoPeach


Crazy Creatures!

Have a look how clever our Year 1 students are!

In German we’ve been learning about body parts. Once we knew some words to describe body parts we were able to write our OWN sentences describing monsters we had created!

All we had to do was use either ‘er hat’ or ‘sie hat’ depending on whether our creature was a boy or girl, add a describing colour or number and finally add the body part. Easy!

We are very proud of our writing.


Collaborative learning in junior primary

During German lessons we play a lot of games to help us with our learning. We play some of these games in small groups and we help each other to be successful.

Here are some photos of the early years students working together and learning in German.

Memory is a game we play

We always like to help each other

We listen carefully when playing in groups

Playing bingo with student 'callers'


Made in Deutschland!

Today in German Aimee from Frau Nelson’s Year 1 class discovered that the lead pencils we use in our lessons are actually made in Germany!

We then had a look around our classroom and found a glue stick and a newspaper that were also made in Germany. Here is a picture of Charlotte, Aimee and Mitchell with our ‘made in Germany’ items!

What can you find around your home that is also made in Germany? Post and let me know!

Items in our classroom that are made in Germany!

Wie ist das Wetter?

In German the receptions, Year 1s and Year 2s have been learning about how to describe the weather. Each class has created their very own ‘Wie ist das Wetter?’ class big book where they have written their own descriptive sentences and then illustrated.

The books are looking fantastic – check back soon to see some photos of the pages!

Meine Familie Videos

Meine Familie

In German we have been learning how to talk about our families.

We created our own family books which we read and shared with each other. In reception we wrote the label of the family member on each page, including both people and pets. In Year 1 we learnt how to also include the name of each person by writing our own sentences and in Year 2 we even included ages.

Here are some examples of our finished books. Listen to how well we pronounce the German words – we have practised hard on this.

Reception children:

Frau Esterhuizen’s R/1s from Carly Smith on Vimeo.

Year 1 children:

Frau Nelson’s Year 1s from Carly Smith on Vimeo.

Year 2 children:

Year 2 Students from Carly Smith on Vimeo.
