
Welcome to Term 2 and welcome to the Year Reception – Year 2 students!

We have spent the first week catching up on holiday news and creating some very heartfelt Muttertag cards – we hope the Craigburn mums love them on Sonntag.

I have been very busy today as well, preparing something special for the receptions next week. Can you guess what I’m creating from the pictures? Stay tuned!

Hint… it has something to do with a German tradition that treats children on their first day of school!



Our Year 1 and 2 students have been very clever using their maths skills in German this week!

As part of our learning about pets, we conducted a class survey to discover how many of particular pets were owned by the students. This information was this transferred onto a column graph.

The most popular pet was the same in every class – a Hund! One class owned 18 Hunds and had to add an extra 8 squares to their graph, which only counted up to zehn.

All classes did a fantastic job!