Das Interview

Our 6/7s have been interviewing each other! Firstly, a pair was given a set of question and answer cards, which they had to sort so that they made sense. Then they started asking each other the questions and recording answers. Finally, they changed the case and wrote a short summary of their partner’s answers using er/sie. A brilliant effort by all students!

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Europa Quiz

Last week in German the Year 6/7 students did a quiz. Some of us found the quiz quite challenging! Here are the questions – do you know many of the answers?

1. How many countries touch Germany?

2. Name the countries that touch Germany.

3. Germany touches the sea at one point. Is it in the north, east, south or west?

4. Spell ‘Germany’ in German.

5. Which currency does Germany use?

6. Australia’s population is about 23 million people. What is Germany’s population?

7. Approximately how many times can Germany fit inside of Australia?

8. Which continent is Germany on?

9. Name three traditional German foods.

10. What is the capital of Germany?

After the quiz we tried to put a puzzle of Europe back together – making sure we didn’t lose little Luxemburg! We then labelled the countries in both English and Germany.


EU Car Licence Plates

The Year 6/7s have been exploring Germany and its place in the world. We now know that Germany touches 9 (NINE!) other countries. We also learnt that in the European Union, or the EU, cars have licence plates that tell us which country they are from. Can you work out where each of these licence plates come from? And why does one NOT have the EU symbol (the yellow ring of stars on a blue background)?200px-Lastplate

347px-Austrian_license_plate.svg 347px-Czech_license_plate.svg 347px-Luxemburgian_license_plate.svg 347px-Polish_license_plate.svg 612px-DK_common_license_plate_2009.svg AA-229-AA_ref Belgian_License_plate_from_2010-11-16_onwards Plate-KA-PA777 Switzerland_licence_plate_2007_from_Sankt_Gallen_canton

Zahlen displays

20150521_085145 20150521_085153 In German this term the Year 3-7 students have been learning and revising how to count in German! We like that counting in German is full of patterns and that once we have that pattern, we can put any number together. We have these colourful displays in our room to remind us of our rules (and exceptions to the rules..!) We are becoming very confident with our numbers up to 100.

WER BIN ICH? Who am I?


Can you read and work out who the author is?


Conducting class survey to practice oral language skills.

WER BIN ICH?    Who am I?

The Year 6/7 s students have completed a unit of work titled Wer bin Ich? (Who am I?). The task was to construct a self-profile  including a description of their physical characteristics and information about family, interests, hobbies, past times as well as some of their ‘favourites’. These were published on their silhouettes and titled ‘Wer bin Ich?’ (Who am I?)

As a lead up students participated in activities aimed to develop the necessary vocabulary as well as activities to build their skills and confidence in oral speaking. Students conducted surveys in German, played Leute Bingo and took part in interactive circle activities.

Students then worked in small groups and read aloud other student’s profiles with the aim of guessing the author.

Liebe Brieffreund…

In German we have been learning how to ask and answer a variety of simple questions. Questions we have learnt about include:

Wie heiBt du?

Wie alt bist du?

Wo wohnst du?

Welche Klasse hast du?

Hast du einen Bruder oder eine Schwester?

Wie heiBt deine Schule?

Once we had learnt how to ask and answer these questions we started writing a letter to a penpal. Most of our penpals were children in another class in our school.

We were very impressed that by the end of our unit we were able to write an entire letter in German and read the letter we received back.

To show our appreciation to our penpal we then completed ‘danke’ notes. The ‘danke’ notes told our penpal what we think they did really well.

Here are some examples of our finished letter and danke notes.



‘There was an Old Woman…’ update

The Year 6/7 classes have been working hard on completing their ‘There was an Old Woman who Swallowed a Fly’ podcasts. Most groups have now completed recording their dialogue and are in the process of adding images to Garageband to help tell the story.

There has been a large focus on collaboration during this task. Students have been supporting each other in all aspects of this project, from technical issues to pronunciation.

Here are some more photos of the students at work!

Editing using Garageband

Puppets to tell the story

Supportive teamwork

Recording dialogue in the sunshine

The Snowball in action












Check back soon to see the finished products!


There Was An Old Woman… Die Alte Frau!

This term our year 6/7 students are working in collaborative groups to produce a podcast telling the story of ‘There Was An Old Woman (Who Swallowed  a Fly) – in German!

So far the students have formed groups, allocated roles and planned how they will be creating visuals to help tell the story. We have also run through the script several times, focussing carefully on both pronunciation and expression.

We are going to be creating the podcast using Garageband.  Here are some photos of the early planning phase:

