
To celebrate the end of the school year, the Year 4/5 students have been cooking pretzels in the German classroom!

Thanks to the generous time given to us by many parents, we have been preparing the dough in small groups, rolling it out and then creating our own unique pretzel shapes.

Here are some photos of our pretzel making experience!

Pretzel Cooking on PhotoPeach

Liebe Brieffreund…

In German we have been learning how to ask and answer a variety of simple questions. Questions we have learnt about include:

Wie heiBt du?

Wie alt bist du?

Wo wohnst du?

Welche Klasse hast du?

Hast du einen Bruder oder eine Schwester?

Wie heiBt deine Schule?

Once we had learnt how to ask and answer these questions we started writing a letter to a penpal. Most of our penpals were children in another class in our school.

We were very impressed that by the end of our unit we were able to write an entire letter in German and read the letter we received back.

To show our appreciation to our penpal we then completed ‘danke’ notes. The ‘danke’ notes told our penpal what we think they did really well.

Here are some examples of our finished letter and danke notes.



Der, Die & Das

In German we have been learning how to use the German/English dictionaries to discover whether the objects we look up are ‘der’, ‘die’ or ‘das’ words.

This is a major difference between our language and the German language – there are THREE ways of saying ‘the’ in German!

We now know that if we see the letter ‘m’ after a noun in the dictionary, it’s a DER word. The letter ‘f’ means it’s a DIE word and the letter ‘n’ means it’s a DAS word.

Here are some photos of Frau Hook’s Year 5s demonstrating their dictionary skills.


Can you put Europe back together?

The primary years students have a big challenge on their hands – they are trying to put Europe back together!

We have been learning all about the countries that surround Germany and where exactly they sit. To help with our learning we have looked at lots of different maps, pretended to be countries ourselves and discovered where we are located and even managed to put Europe together in a puzzle!

It has been a challenging task but we are certainly learning lots.









Berliner Mauer Art

The Year 6/7 students have recently completed a unit focussing on the role of the Berlin Wall in German history. To share their learning students created an artwork to show the effects they believe the Berlin Wall had on the German people.

Some students chose to use only images while other translated meaningful words into German or even wrote poetry! They all showcase just how creative Craigburn students are.

Here are some examples of the students’ work. They have made a fantastic ‘Berlin Wall’ in our German classroom – why don’t you come and have a look!

Mein Geschopf

Mein Geschopf

During Term 1 the primary years students focussed on learning the vocabulary for different body parts before exploring how to put these nouns into complete sentences. They then designed their own creature and wrote their own sentences to describe it. Students were encouraged to use a variety of adjectives and developed skills in using English/German dictionaries to do this.

Here are some examples:


Clementine's creative creature

Hannah's final product

Katie's descriptive sentences

Die Klasse von Frau Bonbon videos online

RB52GM-cover-pageHead over to Primary Years @ Craigburn to watch some of the final performances of ‘Die Klasse von Frau Bonbon.’

The students have spent a lot of lesson time this term memorising their lines, perfecting their German accents and working on their expression to produce this play. All students should feel proud about how far their German reading and speaking skills have progressed through this task!

Here’s a sneak peek:

Frau Hook’s Year 5s from Carly Smith on Vimeo.

Die Klasse von Frau Bonbon from Carly Smith on Vimeo.