Year 2 Kinder

This week the Year 2 students started by playing a game with the ‘Wetter’ dice they made last week. The focus of the game was on pronunciation. One student had to ask, ‘Wie ist das Wetter?’ and then the other student rolled their dice and read out the sentence. The pair then swapped roles and repeated this, keeping a tally of the weather types that were rolled.

I heard some fantastic pronunciation as I listened to the groups and most students remembered to pronounce the ‘w’ as ‘v.’

After this activity students worked on a task that had them unjumbling weather sentences. However, these sentences were made longer using the joining word, ‘und.’

For example, one sentence might read, ‘Es ist sonnig und es ist heiB.’

Another week full of great learning!

Year 1 Kinder

This week the Year 1 students looked at globes and where Australia and Germany are located. We talked about words such as:

  • equator
  • Southern Hemisphere
  • Northern Hemisphere

We discussed how because Australia and Germany are in different hemispheres, the seasons are opposite.

Finally the students drew their own labelled diagram of the globe, adding important key words.

Every class enjoyed looking at the globe and many found other countries and made new discoveries.

Das Monatslied

We have had lots of interesting conversations this week about the seasons our birthdays are in here in Australia and what the weather would be like if we were in Germany. We worked out if we are a summer baby in Australia, we would be a winter baby in Germany!

See if you can work out which season your birthday would be in if you were born in Germany by watching this video.

Reception Kinder

This week the Reception classes have been very clever and made their very own ‘Haustier’ masks! Each student chose an animal, had to colour in, cut out and glue the mask onto a paper plate. Frau Smith then measured and attached a headband on and cut the eyes out. Lastly, the children wrote the name of their animal, auf  deutsch, around the edge of their plate.

They all looked great! Can you find yourself in the class photos?

Year 2 Kinder

This week the Year 2 (and 1/2 class) spent their lesson creating ‘Wetter’ dice, ready for a game next week. On each side of the dice there is a type of weather shown and students had to record the matching sentence. The 6 weather types were:

  • Es ist sonnig
  • Es ist windig
  • Es regnet
  • Es schneit
  • Es ist heiB
  • Es ist kalt

There was a huge amount of FANTASTIC teamwork shown during each lesson, which students helping each other to tape the dice together. Next week we’ll use them to play a game practising our oral language and even a bit of ‘Mathematik’ with tallying!

Reception Kinder

It has been ‘fantastisch’ to have our very excited Reception students learning German again! This week we have started learning about pets and how to say their names in German. We have also been counting (auf deutsch, of course!) how many of each pet the students in the class have. Each child now has a pet helping page in their workbooks and we will use this to remember how to talk about our pets in German!

Year 1/2 Kinder

This week in German the Year 1 and 2 classes have been looking at the weather. With the range of weather types we are having in Adelaide at the moment, it is a very fitting topic!

We learnt two pronunciation rules this week. They are:

  • change a ‘w’ for a ‘v’ sound (Vie ist das Vetter?)
  • an esset (B) has a ‘ss’ sound (heiB = heiss)

After revising a range of weather describing sentences through different games, the students completed a ‘web weather dictionary’ activity. This will be used to refer to during our unit looking at weather.

All classes were very enthusiastic and focussed during their lesson. Gut gemacht!

Creature Creation!

Towards the end of last term the primary students participated in a task that saw them making a ‘lucky dip’ creature!

To begin with, each student was given 5 slips of paper. One the first piece they had to choose a number between 1 and 10 and write that along with the word ‘Augen’ (eyes). On the second, a number with ‘Bein’ (legs), the third, a number with ‘Arm’, the fourth, a number with ‘Kopf’ (head) and the last a colour and ‘Haar’ (hair).

They then folded each piece and put in the 5 different labelled containers.

Next, each student took in turns to choose one piece from each container. They needed to then create a creature using the number of body parts they had ‘lucky dipped.’ We had a lot of 10 headed creatures!

It was a fun game to practice numbers, writing and reading in German.