Rain Moths in Aberfoyle Park

It’s that time of the year! The Rain Moths (Trictena atripalpis) are out.

Have you seen any?

Unlike so many of the plants and animals we see in our local area, these moths are indigenous to the area. That means that they have evolved right here and have adaptations that are suited to the pre-human environment.

Week 2-4 Task – Creating A Fair Test

While I was cleaning some bottles an I had an idea…


IF a vortex is formed in the bottle,

THEN the bottle will empty faster.

Complete these questions / tasks in any media you choose, and post to the Science folder in Seesaw.

1. What was the hypothesis for this idea?

2. Was it a fair test? Why / Why not.

3. Can you design a fair test for this hypothesis? What things do you need to consider?

4. Maybe try your test and see if your test supports or rejects the hypothesis. Is one test enough?


Here is a Year 7 template:

Word: Experimental Design

Pages: Experimental Design

Here is a Year 5 template:

Word: Experimental Design Yr 5

Pages: Experimental Design Yr 5

Ruby Saltbush Planting

Watch my Ruby Saltbush seeds grow. The scientific name for this plant is, Enchylaena tomentosa, it is indigenous to this area.
A long time ago I was told it was called ‘Bush Tomato’ and it probably is by some people, but Emily has corrected me, it is commonly called Ruby Saltbush.


Week 1&2 Term 2 – Forces Around Us

A force can be a push, a pull or a twist.

Think of all the forces you come across everyday.

We want you to think of an everyday activity, like making breakfast, and break it down into all of its steps.

Every time one of the steps involves a force, write PUSH, PULL or TWIST at the end of the step.

You can present your work in a word document, in handwritten/drawn form, as a slide show, a comic strip, a voice-over video or a picture collage.

Post your work in you class Seesaw in the Science folder.

You should have about 10 forces in your procedure.

This will be a two week project, so you will need to post it by the end of week 3.

Don’t forget to work on you Tynker at least once per week as well.



Binary Initials

Technology – Week 1, Term 2

Hi all,

We are going to finish off our study of binary code with a short task.

You will need to use ASCII Code to code your three initials (capital letters) into three 8-bit bytes.

You will then use Seesaw to send me these three bytes, as a continuous stream (no spaces or dashes) of 24 ones and zeros.

You will find the task on Seesaw, under your STEM folder. Just send me a message with your code.

Here is a decimal ASCII chart, you will have to convert the decimal numbers to binary.


Have fun!