Gala Day 2013

Gala Day is an annual event where students set up and manage a range of stalls for other students to visit and engage with. Being a student-led event, students get to learn, practise and use a range of important life skills such as creativity, collaboration, enterprise, financial literacy and entrepreneurship.

This year’s Gala Day will be held on Monday 25th November (Week 7).

All students from Years 3 to 7 are invited to nominate for running a stall on Gala Day. There are 3 types of stalls – food, activity and craft. Students must work in small groups (minimum 3 per group) and decide on what type of stall to run. Please note the information below.

Food Stalls

  • Hygiene & Food Safety must be considered eg food preparation procedures must be followed.
  • Food Allergies – All ingredients must be clearly shown when the food is displayed on the day.  A list must be prepared and placed on the stall display table. It is vital to state which products contain eggs or nuts, particularly, as some children can suffer an allergic reaction to ingredients.
  • Healthy Eating – We are a healthy eating school and must ensure that healthy food options are considered.

Activity Stalls

  • Safety – Nominated  stalls must be safe for all students
  • All equipment needs to be prepared before the day.
  • Prizes – Mini healthy snacks. Other options include –  ‘Cheap As Chips’ or ‘Browse ‘n’ Save’ fun items

Craft Stalls

  • We ask students to be creative with their ideas
  • All items for sale must be prepared before the day and labelled with the sale price.

Nomination forms will be available on Thursday 31st October at a lunch meeting in the Hall for interested students. Please be on time at 1.10pm.


One Response

  1. Room 3 at |

    Room 3 Year 1 students are looking forward to Gala Day already. We can’t wait to see what exciting stalls there will be this year.


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