Natural Play Spaces

The school Environment Committee is looking to develop this area of our school to be a natural play space for our early years students. What ideas do you class have that should be considered? We would love to hear from all classes. Please add your ideas in the comments section below. Thanks.

nature play

12 Responses

  1. Room 22 at |

    Put some pretend things in there like little ants, butterflies, shells and flowers
    Put some dinosaurs there so we can play with them
    Have a wooden cubby House and some toy people to play with, some tea set things and chairs and table
    Have some digging things
    Put some big and little rocks and stepping stones there
    Have some crystals or treasure that we can find
    Put some little rock statues of jungle animals and put in some plants to make it like a jungle
    Make a bridge there to go over to the wooden cubby house
    Make a river
    Put some hanging things there to play with
    Have a tent for shade that we can go in

  2. Ethan at |

    I want to have new toys ( a hop-on digger) and new wheelbarrows.

  3. Seb at |

    I think we should have a dinosaur skeleton buried in the ground.

  4. James and Claire at |

    Fake treasure buried under the ground.

  5. Denica and Jon at |

    l think you put some skeletons .
    and a sandpit.

  6. Imogen Evan at |

    a chre huas up in the chree huas flaws to

  7. AShlyn and Fraser at |

    a tree house will be good for the garden area.

  8. Sam and Zoe at |

    i wont a bridge up in the treey
    I wont tree House in a rilw

  9. Carol Matilda and Lachlan at |

    Our idea is have a bridge from tree to tree .
    Butterflys in a cage.
    Farm animal toys.
    A sandpit.

  10. janis.okeefe473 at |

    Room 23
    Make a little road so we can play with big trucks.
    A cubby house with a little slide.
    A wobbly ladder to climb up to the cubby house.
    Digging tools- painted brightly.
    A sand pit- we loved digging but we get really dirty when it is wet in the mud.
    A moat around the sandpit with a small bridge.

    We look forward to playing in this space with some new things.

  11. Room 24 at |

    A wooden cubby house with a rectangle box in it to store things in.
    Trees and flowers
    Tea set in the cubby.
    Logs cut into different sizes for climbing and sitting on.
    Outside toys
    Stepping stones
    Fake water????
    Toys and animals
    Lockable box that toys can be locked up in.
    number chart,calendar
    chalk board
    wobbly animals

  12. jenny.freebairn854 at |

    A pond and some plants
    Dinosaurs on one side and fairies on the other (for boys and girls)
    Other animals (toys)
    Water play set
    Vegie patch
    Ropes and climbing equipment
    A mini waterfall


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