District Athletics Day

A snap shot of the very successful athletics day with 50 Craigburn students competing at SA Athletics Stadium last Wednesday. We  had 22 ribbons awarded on the day and 4th place overall as a school. Congratulations to Taine, Tyson, Harry, Xavier, Lucy and Tyler who have been selected to represent our district at state day.

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10 Responses

  1. mark.lemmey130 at |

    Well Done to everyone who went to District Day. Our school came 4th and only missed out on second by 3 points, easily the best since I have been here:)

  2. William Nash at |

    Good work guys

  3. jackson at |

    the stadium was massive. great job to all the people that went to district athletics day. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. jemmacobb at |

    bet you guys did awesome and I think you guys were the best

  5. christy at |

    good job :]:]

  6. hannahhenthorn at |

    it looked like a lot of fun well done!!!!!!!

  7. hannahhenthorn at |

    great job too 🙂

  8. Evie at |

    everyone did great 🙂

  9. Clara at |

    good job 🙂

  10. emily at |

    Well done to all the people who went and did their best : )


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