Welcome back to Term 2!

I hope that all the children had a great school holiday break. We are looking forward to another busy term. Some things to note include:

  • Library borrowing is now on Wednesdays after lunch
  • We have an extra music lesson this term with Mrs Rayner which is first thing on Monday mornings
  • Students will be learning History and Geography with Mrs Williams this term, instead of German with Frau Smith (this will swap again in Term 3)
  • Our Inquiry topic for the term is “Keep Me Covered” – learning about homes around the world. Year 3s will focus on Australia’s neighbouring countries while Year 4s will look at homes in South America and Africa.
  • The Walkathon will be this term!

I’m looking forward to this term of learning and trust that the students will be engaged and motivated.


The students did a great job in their swimming lessons. I will be sending home their swimming reports tomorrow, Tuesday 1st March. Well done to all the students and parents on a long week. A big thank you to all the parent helpers – it would not have been a success without your help!


Great test results

imageStudents should be very pleased with their maths test results. As a class we did a pre-test before the unit on number and place value had been taught. Following the three-week unit, we then did a post test. The average growth for Year 3s was 5 points and for Year 4s was 8 points. This shows the effort that students have put in to their learning. Well done.

SRC Reps

imageimageWell done to everyone who nominated for SRC after a class discussion about responsibility. Congratulations to our new reps:

Nicholas and Chloe B and our fill-in reps Toby and Chloe M!

I’m sure you will do us proud.


imageHi everyone and welcome to 2016 in our Year 3/4 class. It’s going to be a fabulous year of learning. Make sure you check in here regularly to see what we’ve been up to. Feel free to leave a comment, remembering appropriate protocols and etiquette (I will post the protocols soon).