Canteen News

Welcome back everyone, looking forward to seeing you in the Canteen soon!

With the hot weather forecast for next week, we have a range of frozen treats to cool everyone down. Healthy delicious options are our frozen yoghurt shapes or frozen pineapple rings at 50c each, or a range of ice-blocks from 60c to $1.80. These can all be ordered on Qkr, or if your child would like to choose on the day they can pay with cash at the Canteen. If you don’t have coins available, there is now an option on Qkr to purchase ‘cashless coins’ – choose how much you would like to pay and your child can then come to the Canteen and make their choice.


Occasionally students require an emergency lunch, if their lunch has been left at home / forgotten or dropped in the yard. If this happens your child will come home with an I.O.U note – please pay this as soon as possible on Qkr.


Several of our volunteers have now moved on as their child has graduated from year 6, and we really need some help! If you can spare an hour or two, especially on a Friday, we would be thrilled to have you. Simply ring the Canteen, pop in and see Sue, or send an email to school. Tasks include serving students at recess and lunch, cooking and preparing food, labelling and sorting lunch orders, and whatever other skills you may have! We rely on volunteers to be able to provide a daily Canteen service and keep our costs as low as possible, and students love to see their parents / grandparents or carers there.

Sushi and Cold Rolls

We are thrilled to have sushi and cold rolls on the menu again every Tuesday. These are freshly prepared by Temptasian Sushi and delivered to school on Tuesday morning – orders need to be placed by 3pm each Monday.