
Canteen News Term 3

We hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break and all the new children are settling in well. Just an update on what’s happening this term: CORNTOS – The Popular zesty bbq flavoured snack is finally back in stock. Still at the great price of $1.00. SPECIAL FOOD DAY –  Watch out

Canteen News

A very big thank you to Kate Hanna and Tamara McMaster who stepped in at the last minute today to run the canteen for the day. They did a great job and ensured that all students received their lunch orders today, and Friday is a very busy day! The canteen

Harmony Day Donuts

To celebrate Harmony Day we are having a Donut Day on Thursday 21st March. Donuts are freshly baked by our local Bake Bakery in Coromandel Valley, and will cost $3.00 each. Please order and pay on Qkr! – listed under Canteen – select the date as Thursday 21/3 – scroll

Qkr! for Android Phone Users

Dear Families We have just received an email from The Qkr! Team to advise that the Android Phone user issues has now been resolved. Parents/Users can now download the App from the Google Play Store. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.  

Canteen News

The canteen has now been re-stocked and all the usual products are available. The Qkr! app has unfortunately had a few problems and hidden some products that were available, for example noodles and half hot-dogs. This issue has now been rectified and they are available. Apologies to families who went