Family Day Care Program

The South Australian Government is committed to expanding childcare options across the State and is collaborating with all levels of government to increase childcare access, benefitting our children, families, and workforce participation. To help achieve this goal, the Department for Education aims to grow its current Family Day Care program by working closely with local communities.

In addition to the department’s efforts to promote Family Day Care statewide,  a two-year funding agreement has been secured through the Australian Government’s Community Child Care Fund to further support the establishment of Family Day Care services in rural and remote areas of South Australia.

The Rural and Remote Solutions project aims to increase childcare options for families across the state, especially within rural and remote areas of South Australia, where the need for childcare is in high demand.

Members of the department’s Rural and Remote Solutions Family Day Care team have begun targeted consultations with rural and regional communities to understand their local needs and determine if a Family Day Care presence would be beneficial and viable.

As part of this initiative, incentive funding may be available to eligible Family Day Care applicants to support the establishment of a Department for Education FDC service within the approved Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) priority communities.

Please see attached flyers for further information.

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