April Vacation Care Program

Dear OSHC Families,

Please find the April 2025 Vacation Care program attached.

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The consent and booking form can be accessed via this link https://www.jotform.com/form/250538400768863

For the first time, we will be offering lunch orders on Thursday 17th April. A variety of food and drink options will be offered. Please note that we are currently waiting to confirm sushi and cold roll choices with supplier and will update form once received. If ordering prior to updating choices, we will be in touch directly with family for child’s choice.

If you wish to order lunch on Thursday 17th April please complete the order form via this link https://form.jotform.com/250550220460038

A reminder that Red hats are required at OSHC and Vacation Care. We now sell reversible Red and Blue bucket hats, that can be purchased from OSHC or school finance office for $12.00. We no longer carry spare hats, so please make sure your child has a Red hat when attending.

Please submit your Vac Care Consent and Booking form, then request the required days on the Xplor app. Requested sessions will only be processed if we have received the consent form.

Families will only be notified if no places are available and will be given the option to join a waitlist.

To check on your bookings, please view the calendar/bookings tab in the app, all sessions booked will appear as an orange dot on the date.

Please note the cancellation cut-off is 7:00am Monday 31st March 2025 any cancellations after this date or during Vacation Care will be processed as an absence and charged.

If you have any questions regarding the program or the booking and consent form, please don’t hesitate to contact me or speak to OSHC staff.

Kind regards

Kylie Preece


Craigburn OSHC & Vacation care

E: Craigburn.OSHC@schools.sa.edu.au

T: 82701620

M: 0427 271 768