
Frohe Ostern Alles!

Happy Easter to you all. Here in our German rooms our students have been busy with all sorts of exciting Easter activities.

Some classes have been busy making German Easter boxes and others have been playing an ‘Eiersuch’ game, where you play against a partner to collect as many Easter Eggs as you can.

We have also created an ‘Osterbaum’ or ‘Easter Tree’ for our German room. In Germany at Easter time families often decorate a branch or a tree with carefully blown and painted eggs to celebrate new life and the change of seasons. Here in our German room we decided to make our own variation – made out of paper! Every egg on our tree is different! Here is a photo of the tree:

Who can see the egg they designed?

We also watched a few different clips on YouTube that explained different Easter traditions in Germany. Here is one about a family who have blown and decorated TEN THOUSAND eggs to hang on their ‘Osterbaum!’

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