Sharing your German learning

Tonight a yellow note went home with the Junior Primary students. The note outlines what we are learning in German at the moment and encourages students to share their learning with their parents or other family members. The three ways suggested to do this are:

  • Visit this blog and find the ‘Das Monatslied’ and watch it with a family member. Try and work out which season your birthday is in when you’re in Australia and if you were in Germany!
  • Look through the recent posts about our weather learning. Which activities have you enjoyed? With a helper, why don’t you make a comment about your learning? Frau Smith loves to read comments!
  • Go to the ‘Languages Online’ website through the link under ‘Handy Links.’ Section 28 has LOTS of games to do with weather. Why not share a game with a family member?

A copy of the note has been attached to this post. Happy sharing your German learning with each other!


Das Monatslied

This week in German the children watched the video, ‘Das Monatslied.’ Before they viewed it we discussed the German names for the months of the year. Some of the months of the year are spelt the same in both languages and the children enjoyed experimenting with how to pronounce a familiar word differently.

The children were told to look out for something that was a little bit odd about the video – and so many picked up on what that was! Watch the video and see if you can spot what doesn’t quite make sense to us here in Australia:

Time to dress up!

This week in German the Junior Primary students played a fun and new game! Frau Smith put a variety of items in the middle of the circle. There were items like sunglasses, beanies, scarves, jackets, sunhats and an umbrella. The children had to listen to a sentence and then dress up to suit the weather type! We had so much fun.

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Wie ist das Wetter? – Memory Spiel!

Our reception, Year 1 and Year 2 students have been playing a memory game to help with their learning. In groups of 2 or 3 the students had to take in turn to turn over 2 cards. They had to match a picture card with a sentence – which meant they had to read a German sentence!

The sentences they read were:

  • Es ist kalt
  • Es ist windig
  • Es ist heiB
  • Es ist sonnig
  • Es ist bewoelkt
  • Es regnet
  • Es schneit

They had so much fun learning more about the weather in German!

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Das Wetter!

Our clever reception and Year 1 students are busy copying sentences about weather and unjumbling German sentences put in the wrong order! They are then creating a weather scene, dressing a person in the best clothes for the weather. We are quickly learning how to describe our weather!























Wie ist das Wetter?

What a great time of year to be learning about the weather – rain, wind, sunshine, clouds and even some snow here in Adelaide..!

This term our reception – Year 2 students will be learning how to talk about the weather in German and will even compare our weather with the current weather in Germany.

Stay tuned to watch our learning!


Meine Familie

20150521_085053 During Term 1 our Junior Primary students learnt to talk about their families in German. We played lots of group and floor games, interactive games online and created our own ‘Meine Familie’ book. We took these books home to share with our families. This display in our classroom helped us to remember our new words.

Deutsch Mathematik!

Our Year 1/2 students have been very clever and as well as learning German during their German lessons, they’ve been learning maths too!

Following on from interviewing students to find out what sort of pets they have, the Year 1/2 students did a whole class survey. We practised our counting skills by counting, in German, how many students stood up when each pet was called.

We then used this data to make a graph, showing how many of each pet (recorded in German) are owned by the students.

How clever!

We’ve also included a photo of us playing ‘Snap.’ This is a game where we use fly swats to be the first to swat the correct animal. It is a lot of fun!