RJ Palacio talks about the experience that inspired her to write Wonder. She says, “That got me thinking about what it must be like to face a world that doesn’t know how to face you back.” Explain what you think she means by this. How has Wonder changed the way you VIEW differences between people?
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Wonder has changed the way I think about people and how I react to people who are different. I think the book has helped me understand the difference between people. The book has helped me to see how cruel the world is and how the world changes peoples lives in good and bad ways.
I view peoples differences as a good thing. Instead of having the same opinion as friends or role models make your own opinion. Instead of trying to be like someone you look up to, make yourself special. Try being different.
I think she means to live a life being different in front of everyone, with many people not knowing how to treat you because they have never experienced what you have to face in every day life!
It has changed the way I think about differences in people by understanding that everyone is different and shouldn’t need to change who they are to be ‘normal’ because we are all different and should be able to accept that, without having people judge us!
Wonder has changed the way I view differences between people because Augie is not much different in the way he does things, but is a lot different in his facial looks. If Augie came to my school I would probably freak out and stare at Augie, even if I knew he was going to be there. Also on the back of the book it said “don’t judge a boy by his face” judge him by what he is like on the inside.
This book has made me think about what it would be like to be August or being a witness to see someone like August. I now feel like I want to be more caring for people who have disabilities like August. This has been a good experience for me to know what it would be like to have barely any friends and not have many people like you.
I know now that everyone is different in a way. I now have a chance to change who I am and be someone like Summer who steps up and cares for someone like August.
The book “Wonder” has taught me to understand that everyone is different in their own way. I knew that everyone is different but this book has made me understand more about whether your bad at any subject or you look different doesn’t mean your not ‘normal’ just like the saying if everyone looked the same the world would be BORING!
“Wonder” has changed the way I view other people a lot because it shows the victim’s perspective. It really annoys me when people stare at me, so why do people stare at others when they know what it feels like when they get stared at?
I think she is trying to ask, how do you treat people that don’t know how to treat you? How do you respect people when they don’t show you respect? I think Wonder made me realise that all people are different and that we are all perfect in our own way.
Wonder has changed the way I view people
and their differences by showing me the life
of someone that is different and shouldn’t
have to change to be normal. This book has
Also showed me that most people are scared
to talk to someone who is different and
doesn’t look the same but I think that
everyone should give people a chance
instead of making their decision by the way
they look.
Wonder is a very good book for anyone,especially for younger kids so when they grow up they will not judge people by there looks and not to quickly react bad like crying or screwing up their faces.This book is a very good book as it has taught me a lot about people’s reactions to a little boy that looks a bit different. It has also taught me not to judge someone by their face because we are half way through the book and by the sounds of it August is a very funny and nice person. Since we have been reading this book I thought that no one would no how August feels but now I have watched this video I heard that she has experience a girl that looks like August and this girl probably knows how August feels because they look the same.
The book Wonder has made me to never judge someone by how they look or talk. I think the book has helped teach me it is good not be the same as anyone else. If someone looks different doesn’t mean they’re not normal. I will let anyone play even if they look different. Just imagine if everyone looked the same, act the same and talk the same how boring would the world be.
I think that she means that you should not judge people by their faces. The book has changed me on judging people by the way they look. No, I will not see them as a different person differently than I see other people. This is sometimes hard when you can’t understand them, but I would try to talk to them. It is what is underneath that counts and not what is on the outside. First impressions do play a part. I think I would take a while to talk to them.
Wonder has made me wonder if a fifth grader did actually come to my school if I would want to get to know him or her. I believe what she’s saying is that everyone is different and that you shouldn’t judge other people just because they look different or sound different because no one in this world is perfect.
I wouldn’t judge him on the first day I wouldn’t be able to help but not stare at him or her though. I can see why people would stare at him though but I think of why don’t the other kids take the time to get to know this funny kid instead of judging him on the first sight they see him.
This book shows that you don’t judge a person by their looks.
We need to accept peoples differences because that’s what makes the world a better place.
Include not exclude people be kind to everyone not matter what they look like.
If people read this book it will help them understand to accept all people with a difference.
The book wonder has helped me realise that you shouldn’t judge anyone by the way they look as that is just a small part of who they truely are. The children Auggie went to school might not have expected what he looked like, some of the children wouldn’t know how to react. I think it would be hard to go to with lots of new children with a different face.
Wonder has changed my thinking of the world because you don’t know who or what people are like. If I saw someone at the shops that had facial differences I wouldn’t freak out because they don’t seem what they’re like. They may seem scary but they are probably nice and friendly. If every one was normal and looked the same there would be no emotions and there would be no differences. Now and when I am older I will never judge a person by their face.
I liked that RJ Palacio wrote a book about a deformed boy, who has a difficult life to others and to say that it’s not scary to look at someone strange and we are all equal and the same. Wonder is a good book to read because if kids can learn more from it and do the same like the older kids, choosing to be kind and helpful.
Wonder has changed the way I view differences in people because in the book wonder, August talks about how people see him. This has changed the way I look at people who have differences because I now know that it is unfortunate and not necessarily their fault that they are different so I now know to treat every person and see them as a normal person. It has helped me realise that everyone is different in one way or another and that is a good thing. Everyone should be an individual and try not to be the same as someone else.
The book Wonder has changed my view on people because before we started to read this book and a person like Auggie came to our school I think I would try to avoid them and not talk to them but now after reading this I think I would seek to understand that person and be a good friend to them.
I think RJ Palacio means that people react in many different ways and some ways might offend the child and make them more embarrassed. I think these people must have a lot of courage like Auggie to face the world that makes many judgments. When people realise how they have reacted they might feel bad about how they’ve made that person feel because it would make them feel bad as well as the child.
Wonder has changed the way I view peoples differences because now I know not to judge a person by their face. I know that I need to get to know people before I judge them. If I see people with differences I now know that everyone is different in their own way and that they’re not weird but different.
If I react in a bad way I will make them feel sad and even more afraid to face the world tomorrow, so if I see peoples differences I know to keep my comments to my self so I don’t upset their feelings.
I think she means if you have a facial difference or a disability, people that have never seen you before may react like crying, saying `what wrong with them?’ and other things. This has changed how I view people, because everyone is different, no one is the same. We are all human. I won’t think of people being different because of how they look or sound. I will treat everyone the same.
Wonder has changed the way I think of people with differences by the way I will act around them and interact with them. I know a couple of people with differences and I have to act differently around them then, I would with someone with smaller differences.
Having a difference doesn’t mean they cant do anything it just means they might need some extra help with things.
Everyone has differences because everyone’s unique and no ones the same that’s how we were made but some differences might just be a bit bigger and noticeable.
Reading ‘Wonder’ as our class novel has really changed the way I view others. My Auntie has muscular dystrophy so I am comfortable seeing her and others with the same disability. I think for some people seeing someone who is disabled or deformed can be a shock.
In the book at Auggies new school people took some time on getting used to his face. Everyone has their own quirks and we are all different in our own way. No one is perfect. So for me growing up around my Auntie I think that I am pretty accepting with seeing others that are different than I am. So if I do ever come across someone who looks like Auggie I will be nice and respectful towards them.
She is trying to make awareness of the fact that somepeople have differences and she is trying to make people more confident about talking to people that have differences and how hard it must be for them to see people constantly staring at them.
The book Wonder makes me think that nobody is really different at least from the inside. Now that I’ve finished reading the book I stopped caring how I look or how other people look because that doesn’t matter because what really matters is how you feel, friendship and caring. People that don’t see that are just weird from the inside and never learnt the first lesson about friendship.
People are unique in different ways but the important thing is how we take our differences. I think August is a brave kid and I have no idea how I thought I am brave when august has to face all the people staring at him.
Now I understand what courage means and I’ll remember me.
I think that this is a good book and its about a boy who has a face that is deformed and he is home schooled for most of his life but in 5th grade he goes to school and he makes new friends.but he has some bully’s on his tail.
I think he would be sad and lonely.
if I was august I would think I was unwanted I would have online friends and talk to on Skype. if a boy like august came to our school I would talk to him.
and if so be his friend and I will play games with him at recess and lunch but if he was annoying I would not talk to him or go near him or play with him.
I think he is a nice boy he dos what I do play xbox lego and starwars he dos not matter to me.