My Maths Journal

Just another Craigburn Blogs Sites site

Let’s give this a go!!!!


Well following an amazing training and development session and feeling enthused and excited about giving some of this new learning a go, my team and I began to look at what learning we wanted our students to be exposed to and how we could incorporate some of the ideas Ann had given us.  As with any new learning we decided to start small, so as to not feel over loaded or scared.  The mental routine Ann shared with us seemed the perfect place to start.  How hard could it be to ask year 6/7 students to add numbers and show us the thinking and processes they used with their 100 grid.  At about this time I wanted to leave my classroom and not return!!!!!

We had students who despite having the skills and knowledge chose to count on by ones even thought they were asked to ‘show me 37 more’. Out of a classroom of 55+ students we had merely a handful who were able to say they counted on by tens and then back 3. I was in shock and felt a little more than overwhelmed. Not only did this short activity take us 35 mins we were horrified with what we saw. It certainly made me question ‘why??’ Our students have the intellecual capacity to be able to do this with their eyes closed but they didn’t.  On reflection we came to the conclusion that the students were asked to do something that didn’t require the same answer as the person next door (they could start on any number), that allowed them choice in how it was done and involve d some mathematical language that somehow was missing. A great formative assessment task that provided us with many strategic and explicit lessons for our students.

As we always say, practise makes perfect and this has rung true for us.  Yes we had thought about throwing in the towel and burying our heads in the sand but we didn’t.  Perseverance is something we are instilling in our students and something we had to model.  So over the following 3-4 weeks we tried. tried again.  Some explicit teaching some very upfront truths and lots of perseverance and we have a group of student who enjoy the mental routines and the thinking that comes with this.

Week 0 Training Day


WOW what a way to begin the year.  For some it may have been confronting, for others it may have reaffirmed what is currently happening and for those new to the teaching game what an beginning.  Ann Baker joined us for a day of questions, sharing of ideas and strategies.  She was honest, brutal at times but most of all Ann shared her passion of mathematics with us all.

We began the day with an example of Ann’s mental routines.  The focus was being able to observe how the children answered the questions and the different strategies they were using.

How could I do this?? Needed to rethink how I was presenting my mental tasks and allow myself the opportunity to observe as well as ask questions.

As a teacher of older students I needed to know that this would work and not be seen as ‘kids’ stuff.  Phew…..Ann shared a strategy of ‘Guess my number’. Ensuring the children are not asking low level questions there were criteria they needed to follow.  Sounded perfect.  Another task to add to my list to try when we started school. There were so many ways to ‘crank it up’ it ensured that success was had by those children who struggle as well as providing opportunity to extend others. A question asked was about those children who ‘copy’ or lack confidence in their ability to try new ideas.  Ann’s reply…..What you do with a friend today you will be able to do yourself tomorrow. Allowing children to learn with a friend often provided them with the scaffolding they needed to move onto doing things alone. A great way of thinking.

Keep to the same routine for approximately 2 weeks.  Love the idea but I was a little concerned about the reality.  We all know what chaotic places classrooms can be at times.  I didn’t want to have a negative impact on my students but ws not sure how I would do this.  More conversations to have with my team and co teacher………Almost brain overload.  I was also itching to get in our classroom and have a go. (the story of that to follow….not pretty!!!)

Having used the mental routine to activate prior knowledge it was the time to move onto problemetised questions or indeed a strategy lesson (just in time learning needed to be successful in future lessons). Maths should have realism.  There needs to be a purpose to learn or try new things. Where am I going to get the ideas or situation to make thing ‘real’ for my kids?

We then looked a the Secret Code – a wonderful way of empowering students to explain their mathematical thinking as well as giving many alternatives to ways they have been previously taught. Can’t wait to try this.

One final reflection…..If you can’t solve an addition problem in 6 different ways you can’t add.Another challenging thought but one I could certainly live with and share with my students.

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Hello world!


Hi, welcome to my first ‘true’ blog that will highlight the journey I am undertaking in the world that is Mathematics teaching.  I am exited by the prospects that await as well as a little ‘scared’ of sharing my ups and downs with the world.

Mathematics teaching has always been a passion of mine.  As a child I struggled with maths and was always in the ‘kangaroo’ group *(yep the dunb group).  This didn’t really change even in high school when in year 11 after trying so hard to ‘get it’ I was told that if I wanted to pass year 12 I needed to find another subject other than maths!!!  Funny thing was this maths teacher was one of my favourites and someone I enjoy catching up with and sharing my successes as a mathematics teacher.

Then came teacher training and my first placement as a teacher……I still wasn’t sure about this whole maths thing and knew that unless I could learn all there was about how to be the best maths teacher I could be the kids in my class would be the ones to miss out.  Here began a 23 year journey that is still in progress.  I made a promise to myself to ensure that I would give every child I came in contact with the best opportunity that could ask for to learn and enjoy mathematics.

This blog is the next phase of my learning journey as we undertake a ‘mathematics in residence’ training throughout this year.  Working with Ann Baker and other teachers across our cluster I need to reflect, share my triumphs and failures (of which I am sure there will be many) as well as share the amazing learning I that will take place.

I look forward to you sharing this journey with me.  Comment, try new things, share and reflect……Sounds like my mantra to my students.

I hope you enjoy the ride.


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