Hello world!
Hi, welcome to my first ‘true’ blog that will highlight the journey I am undertaking in the world that is Mathematics teaching. I am exited by the prospects that await as well as a little ‘scared’ of sharing my ups and downs with the world.
Mathematics teaching has always been a passion of mine. As a child I struggled with maths and was always in the ‘kangaroo’ group *(yep the dunb group). This didn’t really change even in high school when in year 11 after trying so hard to ‘get it’ I was told that if I wanted to pass year 12 I needed to find another subject other than maths!!! Funny thing was this maths teacher was one of my favourites and someone I enjoy catching up with and sharing my successes as a mathematics teacher.
Then came teacher training and my first placement as a teacher……I still wasn’t sure about this whole maths thing and knew that unless I could learn all there was about how to be the best maths teacher I could be the kids in my class would be the ones to miss out. Here began a 23 year journey that is still in progress. I made a promise to myself to ensure that I would give every child I came in contact with the best opportunity that could ask for to learn and enjoy mathematics.
This blog is the next phase of my learning journey as we undertake a ‘mathematics in residence’ training throughout this year. Working with Ann Baker and other teachers across our cluster I need to reflect, share my triumphs and failures (of which I am sure there will be many) as well as share the amazing learning I that will take place.
I look forward to you sharing this journey with me. Comment, try new things, share and reflect……Sounds like my mantra to my students.
I hope you enjoy the ride.