My Maths Journal

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Let’s give this a go!!!!


Well following an amazing training and development session and feeling enthused and excited about giving some of this new learning a go, my team and I began to look at what learning we wanted our students to be exposed to and how we could incorporate some of the ideas Ann had given us.  As with any new learning we decided to start small, so as to not feel over loaded or scared.  The mental routine Ann shared with us seemed the perfect place to start.  How hard could it be to ask year 6/7 students to add numbers and show us the thinking and processes they used with their 100 grid.  At about this time I wanted to leave my classroom and not return!!!!!

We had students who despite having the skills and knowledge chose to count on by ones even thought they were asked to ‘show me 37 more’. Out of a classroom of 55+ students we had merely a handful who were able to say they counted on by tens and then back 3. I was in shock and felt a little more than overwhelmed. Not only did this short activity take us 35 mins we were horrified with what we saw. It certainly made me question ‘why??’ Our students have the intellecual capacity to be able to do this with their eyes closed but they didn’t.  On reflection we came to the conclusion that the students were asked to do something that didn’t require the same answer as the person next door (they could start on any number), that allowed them choice in how it was done and involve d some mathematical language that somehow was missing. A great formative assessment task that provided us with many strategic and explicit lessons for our students.

As we always say, practise makes perfect and this has rung true for us.  Yes we had thought about throwing in the towel and burying our heads in the sand but we didn’t.  Perseverance is something we are instilling in our students and something we had to model.  So over the following 3-4 weeks we tried. tried again.  Some explicit teaching some very upfront truths and lots of perseverance and we have a group of student who enjoy the mental routines and the thinking that comes with this.

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