My Maths Journal

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Paul Luke

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Let’s give this a go!!!!


Well following an amazing training and development session and feeling enthused and excited about giving some of this new learning a go, my team and I began to look at what learning we wanted our students to be exposed to and how we could incorporate some of the ideas Ann had given us.  As with […]

Week 0 Training Day


WOW what a way to begin the year.  For some it may have been confronting, for others it may have reaffirmed what is currently happening and for those new to the teaching game what an beginning.  Ann Baker joined us for a day of questions, sharing of ideas and strategies.  She was honest, brutal at […]

Hello world!


Hi, welcome to my first ‘true’ blog that will highlight the journey I am undertaking in the world that is Mathematics teaching.  I am exited by the prospects that await as well as a little ‘scared’ of sharing my ups and downs with the world. Mathematics teaching has always been a passion of mine.  As […]

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