Welcome back!

It’s been a great start to Term 2. Students have settled in very nicely and we have begun work about persuasive writing and addition and subtraction. I have attached the final newsletter for Term 1 to this post. The next newsletter will be at the end of Week 2. I will post that to the blog too in case they go missing at home!

I hope all families had a lovely Easter break.


Newsletter Week 11-1bw4kzj

Welcome to 2017!

Hi and thanks for logging on to our class blog page. During the year, I encourage you to come back here regularly to look at some of our learning and leave a comment. Your participation in the blog is valuable feedback to our class. If you ‘Subscribe by email’ you will be notified whenever a new post is added (about once a week/fortnight).

This year is going to be a fantastic year if we all work together. We will all make mistakes (myself included) but with the right attitude we will see some amazing learning occur. To start with I thought students could reply to this blog post by saying what they hope to learn this year and parents could reply by saying what they remember from Year 3 or 4. When students reply, please just use first names to help protect our identities.

I’ll start. I remember from Year 3 my teacher was Ms Anderson and we did ‘Investigation’ time. In Year 4 my teacher was Mr James (yes, the same Mr James from Craigburn!) and everyday we did NRG (energy) which was fitness.

I’m looking forward to reading your responses!


Mrs Khalaf

Important upcoming events

Important dates coming up:

  • Week 4
    • Tuesday 16th August, “Fair Dinkum” Book Week presentation
    • Wednesday 17th August, our class will be presenting the Year 2-4 assembly with Miss McMahon’s Year 3 class. Students will be invited to be a presenter. If your child is a presenter, you will know because they will have lines to practise at home.
  • Week 5
    • Tuesday 23rd August, “Living Kaurna” excursion
    • Friday 26th August, Book Week Assembly 10:15am and Book Week dress up day
  • Week 6
    • Friday 2nd September, School Closure Day for the show
  • Week 7
    • Monday 5th September, Student Free Day for teacher Professional Development


I hope that families are able to enjoy a relaxing school holiday break. I look forward to seeing the students refreshed and ready to learn after the holidays. Thank you to all families for their support and effort this term!

Term 2, Week 2 – NAPLAN update

I hope that all families had a lovely weekend and were able to celebrate Mother’s Day and treat mum.

As we head into Week 2, I thought I would let all families know what the week will look like due to NAPLAN being held.

Monday will be a day as usual – (students have their extra music lesson at the very beginning of the day now)

Tuesday – All students need to be punctual as the Year 3s will be beginning NAPLAN around 9:00am in the morning. Year 4s will be set their usual Literacy work to do in the library under teacher supervision during this time. If Year 4s arrive late, they will need to sign in at the front office and then go straight to the library so as not to interrupt the Year 3s.

There are two NAPLAN tests on Tuesday for the Year 3s which will take them up to recess. The first is Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) from 9:00am-9:40am. The second is Writing from 10:05am-10:50am. As there is a break in the middle, students will be able to eat their fruit, go to the toilet and have a drink before the commencement of the second test.

After NAPLAN, the day will continue as normal with a few extra games etc. to reward the students for their efforts. Year 4s will be back in the class after recess.

Wednesday – Reading test 9:00am-9:45am. Upon completion of this test, the Year 4s will return to class and the day will continue as normal.

Thursday – Maths test 9:00am-10:00am. Upon completion of this test, the Year 4s will return to class and the day will continue as normal.

Friday – Catch up NAPLAN testing will occur for any Year 3 students who have missed a day. These tests will be supervised by a member of leadership. All other Year 3s and 4s will have a regular Friday.

Either on Thursday or Friday, we will have some time to celebrate the effort of our Year 3 students as a class with a special fun activity.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,



Mother’s Day Stall

A quick reminder that the Mother’s Day Stall is tomorrow: Thursday 5th May at school. Students can bring up to $10 to spend at the stall. They will also need to bring a bag to store any bought items. Our browse and buy time is at 12:40pm just before lunch.

Welcome Jessica M!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome (back!) Jessica M. We are excited to have our friend back and in our class and Mrs K thinks it’s great that we have another girl. There are now 27 students in the class, 17 boys and 10 girls!