

Easter this year will be during the school holidays from Friday 15th April through to Monday 17th April. It is a time for celebration, holidays, fun with family and friends and chocolate. We have many Easter stories, Easter craft activities and information books for your enjoyment. There are many online activities for you to explore as well.

I wish you and your loved one a Happy and Safe Easter

Burra Nimu, The Easter Story – This is an Australian Easter Story by Jeni Bright designed to be read aloud to young children. It contain details about the lifestyle, eating habits and behaviour of bilbies and other animals that appear in the story.

Blackdog’s Easter Celebrations – contains online and printable games, puzzles and colouring

Easter for kids and Teachers

Activity Village

Easter Facts

Billy Bear 4 Kids – online games

Easter Bilby – online games, craft activities and printables. requires a login

TopMarks – Contains facts, customs, activities and recipes.

Easter – Contains the history of Easter and how the date is decided.

Hoppy Easter – contains stories of Easter traditions, the origins of the Easter Eggs and Easter Bunny plus craft activities.

How Easter Works – Explains the origin and significance of the Easter holiday and many of the traditions associated with it.