Here are some great photos of our buddies and us making our Rio ‘Carnivale’ Masks!
Here are some great photos of our buddies and us making our Rio ‘Carnivale’ Masks!
Congratulations to Claire Farrell and Harrison Sporbert for being selected as our Term 2 SRC’s. And Congratulations to our Vice SRC’s this semester, Imogen Wright and Yaw Antwi.
Dear Parents, You are invited to view our class display of Inquiry houses on Friday 1st July at 2:45pm. We are setting up a ‘gallery’ in our classroom of the houses that we have been designing and creating in our Inquiry unit this term – Houses/Shelter from Australia’s Neighbouring Countries. The students are eager to […]
A reminder that the year 2/3/4 assembly will be held on Wednesday 22nd June at 10am.
Matter – Change Of State (solid, liquid, gas) Here are some images of our Science experiment that we carried out on Thursday. We were investigating the fastest way to melt an ice cube. We chose 3 heat sources to observe and we found that ice melts the fastest when put in a bowl of hot water. […]
The Mothers Day Stall will be on Thursday 5th May, not Friday as advertised before. Happy Mothers Day to all of the wonderful mothers! From Rm 6
Welcome back to term 2! We have a busy term ahead with NAPLAN, Wackyathon, Premiers Be Active Challenge, just to name a few. There will be a number of pupil free days this term along with a public holiday and all of these important dates will be listed on our class newsletter which will be […]
Our BYO iPad induction is ready to begin! There is some important information for parents on the school blog – Craigburn Connections. I have also added the link here. Please take time to read through this information carefully. Thanks! http://blogs.craigburn.sa.edu.au/blog/2016/03/18/byo-ipad-update-induction-program/
Your child has been given their Premier’s Reading Challenge forms to fill in. These can be kept at home until they are complete and then can be returned to the Library. Here is the link to the Premier’s Reading Challenge website. http://www.premiersreadingchallenge.sa.edu.au/prc/pages/home/home/?reFlag=1
Congratulations to our SRC’s for Semester 1: Bryce Engledow and Lara Nowakowski. And congratulations to our SRC reserves: Yaw Antwi and Claire Farrell
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