Mrs O'Keefe's Class

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Gala Day


Gala day on Friday 14th November was a lot of fun. Our Year 3- 7 children planned, organised and set up their many different stalls for us all to go and shop, play games, eat and drink. What a good way for the older children to collaborate and use enterprising skills. Their efforts made it a fantastic event for us to be able to be a part of. Thank you. Room 23 would  also like to thank Mr Luke for his hard work.IMG_1711 IMG_1712 IMG_1713 IMG_1716 IMG_1719IMG_1721

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Music is Fun


Music is Fun was a fantastic event at school in week 4. Some of us got to be a part of the song Yellow Submarine. We had lots of fun as we all danced, sang and had a great time. IMG_1671 IMG_1672



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Think, Ink, Link Inquiry activity


As part of our inquiry topic about habitats, we have been learning to be collaborative learners. We took part in an activity called think, ink, link. This is a connecting activity. We thought about which creature we wanted to research (think) then wrote it down (ink). We connected with other children by moving around the room and finding 4 other children who had the same creature as us and wrote down their name (link). We then collaborated in small groups to find the information we needed. We really enjoyed this activity. Mrs O’Keefe did this activity with lots of teachers at a conference lately with Kath Murdoch who is a leading expert in the field of inquiry based learning.IMG_1635 IMG_1636 IMG_1640 IMG_1639 IMG_1638 IMG_1637

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Reef visit- Port Noarlunga beach


Today all of the Reception and Year 1 classes went on an excursion to the Port Noarlunga Reef. The excursion was part of our Inquiry unit ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ which has a Science based focus on habitats. We had a fantastic time and the weather was just perfect! We saw lots of sea creatures including sea stars, crabs, anemones, sponges, limpets and mussels. We loved travelling on the boat from the beach to the reef. A big thank you to parents who helped – we hope you had a great time too.

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Just a reminder that it is photograph day on Monday 20th October. Please remember to bring your envelopes to school, and your best smile!

The teachers will be having their photograph taken first thing in the morning, so please be aware that our doors may not be open until the bell time or slightly afterwards.


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Term 4


Welcome back! I hope you all had a super holiday and a rest! Hopefully most of us have recovered from our coughs and colds. There is such a busy term ahead. Take a look at the dates page. Add a comment to tell us what you are looking forward to doing this term.

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Literacy- Procedural texts


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As part of our Literacy learning we have been looking at procedural texts. We read the story of The Lighthouse Keeper’s lunch and wrote some instructions to make a yummy sandwich for Mr Grinlin. We followed our instructions to make the sandwiches. They were DEEEELICIOUS!!!

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As part of our Numeracy work we have been learning about collecting data and presenting it as a pictograph and block graph. We collected information about vehicles passing our school. We could not believe it when we saw over 30 cars! We only saw a few other vehicles. Perhaps at home you could collect some data of your own. It could be how many different insects you see in your garden, or what different colour of vehicles you see when you are out in your car driving with your family.

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We had a fantastic time at the dance-a-thon. We were very tired by the end of our dancing! Thank you to all of our sponsors who have helped raise almost $8,000 for our school. Well done everyone!

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Shared Play


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Now that the weather is improving we are enjoying shared play outside our unit with Mrs Booth and Miss Tammy’s classes. It is great that we can enjoy shared play with our Reception and Year 1 friends on Thursday’s, as well as our friends in our unit.

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