Mrs O'Keefe's Class

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Gala Day


Gala day on Friday 14th November was a lot of fun. Our Year 3- 7 children planned, organised and set up their many different stalls for us all to go and shop, play games, eat and drink. What a good way for the older children to collaborate and use enterprising skills. Their efforts made it a fantastic event for us to be able to be a part of. Thank you. Room 23 would  also like to thank Mr Luke for his hard work.IMG_1711 IMG_1712 IMG_1713 IMG_1716 IMG_1719IMG_1721

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2 Comments to

“Gala Day”

  1. November 29th, 2014 at 7:09 am      Reply Leigh Pedrick Says:

    I like all the think we have done this year.
    It’s been really fun. Thanks for teaching me.
    Thank you.
    Riley Pedrick

  2. November 30th, 2014 at 3:13 am      Reply janis.okeefe473 Says:

    Thank you. It has been my pleasure Riley. We have had lots of fun.
    Mrs O’Keefe

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