How to cook damper…


Today we built a pretend campfire in the middle of our classroom and baked some delicious pretend damper on it!

We talked about ways to be safe around fire, like always having an adult to help, wearing heatproof gloves to pick things up, not getting too close to the flames, and making sure the ground around the fire is clear.

While the coals were getting ‘hot’ we made our damper dough out of only three ingredients… can you remember what they were?

There were six simple steps to cooking our damper. Here they are:

  1. Make a fire
  2. Mix ingredients (flour, milk, salt) to make dough
  3. Put the dough in/near the fire and cover with coals
  4. Wait about 15 minutes
  5. Take damper out of the fire and dust off with a leafy branch
  6. Enjoy damper with jam

After we had enjoyed eating our delicious pretend damper we wrote out a procedure, including the title, picture, ingredients and method.

Maybe next time you go camping you might like to try it for yourself! Yum!


  1. Excellent procedural writing task Fern. I like the safety component as well as teaching children about the dangers of fire at a very young age, is extremely important. Catering to the visual, kinaesthetic and the logical thinking learners. Well done 🙂

  2. We will be trying this out next time we are near a camp fire. Yum!

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