Daily Archives: August 31, 2016

The Best Books

Are you looking for a good book to read?

Here are some that we can recommend from our Book Tasting Picnics last week…



Little Owl by Phillip Gwynne

Alice – It was sad, good and it was a happy ending.

Mia – I think it was sad, happy and nice.

Isabella – It was nice and it had a good happy ending.



Family Forest by Kim Kane

Kayla – It was a good book because it had a good ending, a good starting, a good middle, and it had a pretty front cover.

Paige – It sounded good and it was very funny and it didn’t have a sad end part.



Can You Keep a Secret? by Pamela Allen

Jamie – I liked it because it was funny and she liked to find people’s secrets and she found it in the crown.

Jayden – Because the king was looking for a crown in a hippopotamus’s mouth. Because it was weird.

Nic – The king stuck his head behind a lion. It’s funny.



Cat by Mike Dumbleton

Sophie – Because it was good for learning because it has a couple words on one page and when you put them in a sentence you know what they are.

Max – The cat ran up a tree and he kept saying ‘Thanks for that’. There was a dog, a cat, a boy on a bike, a mice, a carpet and tree.

Haidyn – Because he was climbing a tree and chasing a mouse. Because it’s funny and other people might enjoy it.



Whose Egg? by Guy Troughton

Mahali – It was funny and happy.

Finlay – It’s fun to try and guess whose egg it is behind the next page.

Isabella – Because it’s ok if you don’t get them all right because you don’t have to get them all right.



Dinosaur Roar! by Paul Stickland

Connor – Because there was a fat dinosaur. It’s really, really funny.

Max – There’s actually a dinosaur that is so strong he was lifting up a brachiosaurus and one was actually a slimy dinosaur.

Haidyn – I recommend the Dinosaur because it’s funny when he sat on the dinosaur.