Happy Easter!
Well, it’s been a very busy week in Room 24!
We celebrated Harmony Day on Monday and you can check out the orange bunting hanging in our classroom, which shows why we love how diverse Australia is.
Wednesday was our first R/1 assembly with some lovely songs shared from all the classes.
Today the SRC representatives received their badges at an assembly and the massive Easter raffle was drawn! Congratulations to those taking home some very exciting chocolate hampers!
In between all these assemblies we’ve also had house meetings in preparation for Sports Day. You can check out the health hustle on the student blog and practise it like we have been doing in our classroom!
And of course we have been doing lots of learning this week… counting to 100 by 2s, 5s and 10s, thinking of words with ‘ng‘ in them (can you spot any in this post?), observing temperatures and the weather, exploring our own family histories through spoken/oral stories, and getting prepared for our student-led 3 way conferences next week!
We hope everyone has a fantastic and safe Easter weekend 🙂