Collecting Materials…

Hi Families!
We’ve just started making mini-habitat dioramas in shoeboxes at school. We are looking to collect some recycled materials to use for these, so check out our list to see if there are any materials you might have lying around home that we could use.


cotton balls
little rocks
bubble wrap
fake plants
cardboard rolls
cling wrap
cotton tips
paper plates
You can also check out this ‘habitat dioramas’ page on Pinterest for some inspiration…

Virtual Reality Visits!

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What do toucans, orang-utans, frogs, tall trees and snakes all have in common? You could find them all in a rainforest!

This term in Room 24 we have been learning about different habitats and the needs of different animals. We were lucky enough to be able to explore a range of these habitats using ‘virtual reality’ goggles. We have seen some amazing places around the world, using the Google Street View app.

Here are some of the things we discovered…

  • I saw a turtle in the water (Henry)
  • In the ocean one I saw a whale (Alice)
  • At the desert we saw our shadow and two blue and green people (Finlay)
  • I saw a seahorse chasing its tail in the ocean (Isabella)
  • In the forest I saw an anaconda! (Lucas)
  • When I was in the ocean goggle version I saw three tortoises (Kayla)
  • I saw a tarantula climbing a tree in the rainforest (Alex)
  • For the rainforest I saw some people that lived in the rainforest and a few animals (Paige)
  • A shark thing was lying on the sand in the ocean (Juni)

Reef Walk


Our trip to the Port Noarlunga Reef this week was an amazing experience. We had great weather and learned so much about the ocean, the reef, the history of Port Noarlunga, all sorts of sea creatures, and we also got to ride on a boat!

Did you know that the reef is made out of sandstone?

Did you know that mussels only open up when covered with water because they feed from all the goodies that come floating past?

How do you think the reef was formed?

Happy Holidays!

Yesterday was a very interesting end to the term with no electricity in the school and only four children in our class! We got creative and had a great time together. Here is a photo of us in the dark…


Have a happy and safe holiday break and we’ll see you in two weeks!

**Sharing topic for weeks 1 & 2 will be ‘Holiday Sharing’ so bring in a photo/souvenir/artefact/memory to share with us**

Creating Art to Music

What do you think of when you hear music? What about different types of music?

Today we listened to a bit of classical, hip hop, country and pop. As we listened we used our imaginations to create art.

It was amazing to see the variety of responses, which showed us that we all think differently and our imaginations help us to have different perspectives.

Check out some of our responses…

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The Best Books

Are you looking for a good book to read?

Here are some that we can recommend from our Book Tasting Picnics last week…



Little Owl by Phillip Gwynne

Alice – It was sad, good and it was a happy ending.

Mia – I think it was sad, happy and nice.

Isabella – It was nice and it had a good happy ending.



Family Forest by Kim Kane

Kayla – It was a good book because it had a good ending, a good starting, a good middle, and it had a pretty front cover.

Paige – It sounded good and it was very funny and it didn’t have a sad end part.



Can You Keep a Secret? by Pamela Allen

Jamie – I liked it because it was funny and she liked to find people’s secrets and she found it in the crown.

Jayden – Because the king was looking for a crown in a hippopotamus’s mouth. Because it was weird.

Nic – The king stuck his head behind a lion. It’s funny.



Cat by Mike Dumbleton

Sophie – Because it was good for learning because it has a couple words on one page and when you put them in a sentence you know what they are.

Max – The cat ran up a tree and he kept saying ‘Thanks for that’. There was a dog, a cat, a boy on a bike, a mice, a carpet and tree.

Haidyn – Because he was climbing a tree and chasing a mouse. Because it’s funny and other people might enjoy it.



Whose Egg? by Guy Troughton

Mahali – It was funny and happy.

Finlay – It’s fun to try and guess whose egg it is behind the next page.

Isabella – Because it’s ok if you don’t get them all right because you don’t have to get them all right.



Dinosaur Roar! by Paul Stickland

Connor – Because there was a fat dinosaur. It’s really, really funny.

Max – There’s actually a dinosaur that is so strong he was lifting up a brachiosaurus and one was actually a slimy dinosaur.

Haidyn – I recommend the Dinosaur because it’s funny when he sat on the dinosaur.

Book Tasting

To celebrate Book Week last week we had a Book Tasting Picnic!

We set up our picnic rugs and picnic baskets full of books. Each day we read a new book, and then filled out our ‘book tasting book’ with information all about the story and drew a picture of the front cover.

What was the book titled? Who was the author and illustrator? What was the story about? Which part was your favourite? How many stars would you give this book?

Stay tuned on the blog later this week as we review and recommend some of our favourite books that we tasted!

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Imagine you’re a character from a book…


We finished off Book Week 2016 with a dress up day to celebrate our love for books. Wow, we saw a lot of creativity!

Which was your favourite costume?

Horse Safety


We were lucky enough this week to have Connor’s mum, Kay, visit our class. She brought lots of knowledge and experience as a horse riding instructor. Kay taught us about horses and how to be safe around horses.

Leave a comment below, telling us one new thing you learned about horses…

Book Week 2016


We have really been looking forward to Book Week! To get ready for it we brought along some of our favourite books to read to the class. What a great variety we heard!


