Yr 2-7 POP ART – Roy Lichtenstein

Andy Warhol’s soup cans, Roy Lichtenstein’s cartoon panels, David Hockney’s swimming pools — meet the icons of Pop art! Pop art elevates everyday objects in a bright, fun and bold visual style that, well, pops.

If you feel like your creativity needs a little “KERPOW!” of energy, you may want to borrow ideas from Pop art. All you need is a basic understanding of its mission: celebrating our daily lives in a vibrant, vivid way.

Watch the video of ‘Pop Art’ and then follow the instructions to make your own POP art!

Have fun  🙂 Miss Manna

Year 4/5 – Picasso inspired face collages

The Yr 4/5 students learnt about the art movement ‘Cubism’ and the famous artist Pablo Picasso. We looked at how Picasso created multi- angled paintings of people and buildings. He was able to paint portraits with the facial features looking in multiple directions, this made the viewer wonder which direction to look.

After learning about Pablo Picasso the students created their own collage ‘Picasso faces’. They used vibrant oil pastels to colour in and blend together, then they cut out each piece to paste together to create an interesting cubist style face.



Well done everyone!!!! Very vibrant and interesting expression on the faces.

Miss Manna 🙂


Year 2 – Romero Britto inspired art

The year 2 students learnt about the Brazilian Pop/Abstract artist in class. Romero  Britto combines elements of cubism and pop art style painting in his work. He uses vibrant colours and bold patterns as a visual expression, depicting hope, dreams and happiness.

The students then created their own Romero Britto inspired Pop/Abstract art cupcake paintings.


Well done everyone.  A wonderful effort 🙂

Miss Manna


Yr 2 – Pablo Picasso Collage faces

The Yr 2 students learnt about the art movement ‘Cubism’ and the famous artist Pablo Picasso. We looked at how Picasso created multi- angled paintings of people and buildings. He was able to paint portraits with the facial features looking in different directions, this made the viewer wonder which direction to look.

    ‘Weeping Women’      ‘Women Spanish’

The students created their own portraits, using small pieces of paper to draw facial features and then paste them onto A3 paper. They then needed to add the head and other details, then colour each section in. The collage needed to have the facial features placed in different positions to make the artwork look interesting.

These have turned out fantastic. Well done everyone!!!!

Miss Manna


Yr 3’s – Pablo Picasso & Sandra Silberzweig inspired art

The Yr 3 students learnt about the art movement ‘Cubism’ focusing on the artworks of Pablo Picasso and the contemporary Canadian ‘Abstract’ artist Sandra Silberzweig.

After discussing how the movement of Cubism came to be (using angled lines and directionality of facial features) and the abstract nature of the colours, lines and patterns in Sandra’s artworks, the students created their own portraits.

They used oil pastels to add the details and patterns then added watercolour washes over the top. WOW!!!!
We also discussed how artists are inspired by other famous artist when creating their own style of art.

  Sandra Silberzweig

  C15 Khalaf

  C14 McMahon

These have turned out amazing everyone. I’m so proud of the details and care you took when creating them !!!!

Miss Manna