Percy Jackson and the sea of Monsters reviewed by Lachlan G

” Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters” is a magical and mind-blowing novel that is written by Rick Riordan and published by the Penguin group.

This entertaining story starts off by Percy having a vision of his satyr (half goat half boy) friend Grover running away from some kind of terrifying monster!

In PE, at school everything is normal, but soon gets messy, by ordinary humans turning into hungry cannibal giants! After a few gut-smacking seconds Tyson (a Cyclops) starts deflecting fiery balls! When Percy and Tyson get to Camp Half-Blood he Tyson and Ambeth flee from camp and set off on a dangerous journey to the sea of monsters!

To readers aged 9 and up, READ THIS BOOK!!! IT IS EXPLODING WITH ACTION!!!

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