Frau Prideaux/O’Keefe und Frau Kolenberg’s Klasse


In German this term many of the junior primary classes are using the story, ‘Die Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt,’ more widely known as ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ as the basis for their language learning.

Here is an example of what Frau Prideaux/O’Keefe’s 1/2 class and Frau Kolenberg’s class are currently working on in their lessons.

Firstly, we listened to the story in German and tuned in to German language we already knew. We found we already knew lots of the numbers, colours and some of the days of the week.

We then focussed on the days of the week and completed an activity in our books which matched the foods the caterpillar ate on each day.

Next, we began creating our own ‘Worterbuch.’ This dictionary will contain all of the German words for the foods the caterpillar ate. Finally, we will use our new knowledge about days of the week and the foods to construct our own sentences, describing what happened on each day. What clever children!












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