Symbol Inquiry Update

The Year 4/5 inquiry into symbols was wrapped up at the end of term 2.

The last task of the inquiry was to create a symbol which combined both German and Australian elements.

We had a LOT of creative symbols created and I was very impressed with the deeper thinking many students put into their work.

Here are a few examples of finished products:

 This symbol was created by Bethany in Frau Grant’s class. She wrote: “In this symbol the G logo represents German and Australia and if you look closely there is an ‘a’ and ‘g.’ The lines behind it represent the three colours of the German flag, red, yellow and black. On the other side of the flag it is sort of representing the Australian flag with all of the stars and the colours.”



This symbol was created by Brydee in Frau Freebairn’s class. She wrote: “My symbol is the Brandenburg Gate with a koala riding the chariot pulled by a kangaroo. On the top of the symbol on the edges are the two flags. On the left side is the Australian flag and the words ‘Australia’ and ‘Germany’ written in English. On the right hand side there is a German flag and the words ‘Australien’ and ‘Deutschland’ in German. Hanging in the middle are the two Freedom Bells.”



Oakly from Mr Steven’s class created this symbol. He created this version on the computer. He wrote: “I did the German flag but I used a picture of Uluru instead of the red part. I did this on the computer and I used Powerpoint. First I got a picture of plain black then a picture of Uluru. Then I got a picture of plain yellow and put it all together.”



Lucas from Mr. Stevens class created this symbol. He wrote: “Half of the shield is the Australian Coat of Arms and the other half is the German Coat of Arms. The animals on the shield are the eagle and the emu. The emu side also has a native Australian tree.”








These 4 examples are only a snapshot of the fantastic creativity shown by the Year 4/5 classes.

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