Category Archives: All Students
Video Problem (Solved)
Thank you to all of the students and families who visited the German room during Craigburn Primary’s Open Night last night. The room was full for the entire hour and it was fantastic to see so many children showing their families what we do during our German lessons.
I realise that the videos of the class books uploaded may not work for you at the moment. For some reason they work at school but not from home – I am aware of this and will aim to solve this problem ASAP. The rest of the Junior Primary class videos are almost ready to be uploaded as well.
UPDATE: If the video doesn’t work in the little screen that shows up on the blog, there is a link underneath the screen. It’s a .mov file and if you click on this, the video will open and play!
Many thanks,
Frau Smith
Subscribe to our blog
I have added a new feature to the information running down the right hand side of our blog.
If you subscribe to our blog you will be sent an email when a new post is made – making it easier to keep up to date with the learning happening in our German classroom!
Frau Smith
Farben Poem
I found this poem last week while flicking through ‘Katzensprung’ and loved it so much, I had to create a display in our German classroom.
Der Schnee ist weiB
Die Lippe Rot
Schwarz das Haar
Und braun das Brot
Das Blatt ist grun
Das Wasser blau
Bananen gelb
Elefantan grau
Do you recognise lots of words in this poem? I’ll bet you do.
We tried to read the poem in English as well but it just didn’t have the same ring to it!
Leading up to Easter the Year R-2 students looked at Easter in Germany. We talked about how some of our traditions are the same as the German traditions and how some are different. We looked at ‘Osterbaums’ or Easter Trees and watched a German cartoon showing how real eggs can be blown, decorated and hung on trees. To celebrate this tradition, we made our own Osterbaum! We LOVED decorating our paper eggs and hanging them with pride in the German room.
Welcome to the 2015 Australian school year!
German at Craigburn Primary is as strong as ever and I, Frau Smith, will be teaching the program again after returning from maternity leave.
The German program will look a little different at Craigburn Primary in 2015. In Terms 1 and 3, the Years R-2 will have German lessons and in Terms 2 and 4, the Years 3-7 will have their lessons. This is an exciting change!
This German blog will be a platform for sharing our learning in the German classroom. It will be a place where the school and wider community can have a peek into the exciting things we do and where we can share our successes.
Bis Spaeter!
Open Night – Danke Schoen!
Danke Schoen to all of the children and families who visited the German room during Open Night.
The room was a very busy hive of activity! It was fantastic to see so many students enthusiastic about sharing their German language learning with their families.
During the evening Frau Hibbert and I set up a Padlet page. This was a way to leave comments using virtual ‘sticky notes’ online. You can see some of the comments we received further in this post.
We are very proud of the German language learning happening here at Craiguburn and very much enjoyed having the opportunity to share this learning and enthusiasm with the community.
Frohe Ostern Alles!
Happy Easter to you all. Here in our German rooms our students have been busy with all sorts of exciting Easter activities.
Some classes have been busy making German Easter boxes and others have been playing an ‘Eiersuch’ game, where you play against a partner to collect as many Easter Eggs as you can.
We have also created an ‘Osterbaum’ or ‘Easter Tree’ for our German room. In Germany at Easter time families often decorate a branch or a tree with carefully blown and painted eggs to celebrate new life and the change of seasons. Here in our German room we decided to make our own variation – made out of paper! Every egg on our tree is different! Here is a photo of the tree:
Who can see the egg they designed?
We also watched a few different clips on YouTube that explained different Easter traditions in Germany. Here is one about a family who have blown and decorated TEN THOUSAND eggs to hang on their ‘Osterbaum!’
Australia is a BIG country!
Welcome to a new school year at Craigburn Primary School! This year we are very excited to have not one but TWO German teachers! Frau James will be rejoined by Frau Smith, who is very excited to be back after taking a year off to spend with her baby boy.
We are looking forward to using this blog as a way to share our learning with our peers, our parents and the whole world.
Check back regularly!