Welcome to 2017!

Hi and thanks for logging on to our class blog page. During the year, I encourage you to come back here regularly to look at some of our learning and leave a comment. Your participation in the blog is valuable feedback to our class. If you ‘Subscribe by email’ you will be notified whenever a new post is added (about once a week/fortnight).

This year is going to be a fantastic year if we all work together. We will all make mistakes (myself included) but with the right attitude we will see some amazing learning occur. To start with I thought students could reply to this blog post by saying what they hope to learn this year and parents could reply by saying what they remember from Year 3 or 4. When students reply, please just use first names to help protect our identities.

I’ll start. I remember from Year 3 my teacher was Ms Anderson and we did ‘Investigation’ time. In Year 4 my teacher was Mr James (yes, the same Mr James from Craigburn!) and everyday we did NRG (energy) which was fitness.

I’m looking forward to reading your responses!


Mrs Khalaf

53 thoughts on “Welcome to 2017!

  1. Kai: this year I would like to learn about the Bermuda Triangle, The City of Adelaide Ship and Pompeii.
    Stacey: I remember from year 4, we had to run around the oval for fitness and writing letters and putting our letters in envelopes for our friends and family.

    • Stacey, we still run around the oval sometimes!!
      Kai, I’m looking forward to negotiating some projects with you.

  2. Hi C15. It’s Kizzy . I just wanted to say that I am so excited to be back and I am looking forward to 2017 and making new friends. I hope everyone new enjoys our class. Mrs K is the best teacher in the world.
    Love from Kizzy 😀😀😀😀😀

  3. Wow what a great start to the year and a great class not to mention the fabulous mrs K. Looking forward to a great term and reading 📖 with you all. It was great seeing all your smilie faces.

  4. Zak is really excited about the year ahead. He is loving his new classmates and especially Mrs K! Zaks words…Mrs K is awesome!

  5. Michael is so excited to be back at school and could not wait to catch up with all his friends. Michael is delighted that Mrs K is his teacher and looks forward to learning new things this year.😀

  6. Shawn: I was actually happy to go back to school and meet my cool new teacher mrs k. I hope I learn alot of things this year.

  7. Jessica: I’m Iooking forward to achieve my goal. My goal is to improve my reading and piano skills. I am very lucky to have the same teacher again.

  8. Chantal – this year I would like to learn more about different countries.
    Bec – we are excited about the year ahead and all the fabulous learning that will take place this year. I remember I started a new school in year 4, which was a little bit scary but I made new friends quickly, plus my Dad was my teacher so that always helped too!

    • Wow! Having your dad as your teacher would be interesting.
      Chantal, I wonder which countries you would find interesting to learn about?

  9. Angus is happy to b back at school and excited to c a few familiar faces in the class, I hope you all have a fun year ahead:)

    • Being big buddies is a big responsibility but also a lot of fun. We missed you today Angus. Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

  10. I am very excited to be getting our little buddies this year. I also like doing play is the way games and art. I also think you are one of the most awesome teachers ever Mrs K!!
    I look forward to learning lots and lots this year.
    From Lauren

  11. Lara:
    I am excited for the new year . I can’t wait to have little buddies. I hope this year will be fun and everyone will make lots of new friends.
    I’m looking forward to our new subject, science
    love lara

    • Science is an awesome and really important subject. I think you will make lots of friends Lara because you are so kind to everyone. 😊

  12. Holly – Hi Mrs K, I have really enjoyed my first weeks back at school and my new class. I am looking forward to learning more about science this year and I can’t wait to be a big buddy. I also would like to get into the sprints for sports day again 🙂

  13. Good Morning, I am really excited by the way Holly has started her new school year. She is making new friends and getting organised ( which she enjoys) Holly is coming home happy and keen to learn 🙂
    I don’t remember my teacher in year 4 in England…. but I do remember making life long friends. Also loving trying out new sports, high jump and the sprints being my favourite.
    I am looking forward to Holly’s year 4 journey 🙂

  14. I think our class is the best class! I think we’ll work really well together and think we’ll have a great year together
    From Matilda

  15. Wow, you have all done so much already! Sam is super happy to be in the class and I look forward to seeing what else you all get up to this year.
    ( Sam’s Mum)

  16. Hi i am Nick
    I am looking forward to meting my little buddies.
    I am looking forward to leaning more things like Maths, Science and Inquiry.
    I am also very excited to play basketball !!!!!!

  17. Hi everyone, it’s Celeste’s Mum here, my name is Kerrin. It was such a long time ago when I was in Year 4 that I don’t remember my teacher’s name, but I do remember my teacher’s name in Year 5 because my Mum was my teacher … fancy that!

  18. Celeste;
    I was excited when I knew I was going to be in your class this year,Mrs K.
    I enjoyed the “Name Art” activity and am looking forward to to all our art lessons.I think there will be lots of learning in Year 4.

  19. Kira is very excited to meet new friends this year and learn new things. Kira Loves the Cafe chart because it is something she didn’t have at the old school.
    My Name is Tammy (Kira’s mum) when I was in year 3 & 4 we lived in the country and I remember the classrooms being huge and my year 4 teacher being really funny.

  20. Hi Mrs K, we are please to see how well the class was setup and confident that Shawn will enjoy learning much in your class. Thank you. Lance & Anna.

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