
Today cast A had a dress rehearsal for Aladdin. We are in the chorus so we didn’t need to wear our costumes.The costumes were very colourful. We sang a lot of songs. There are new steps and we were able to sit on them. We can’t wait until next week when we get to put our costumes on and perform in front of a big audience. Has anyone else been to see a performance done by a whole school? What was it called?

Making Our Genies

Today with the help of a mum, we made our very own genies. We used a small cylinder covered in paper and beautiful material. Our genie’s faces were foam balls. We stuck on goggly eyes and a beautiful jewel as an earring. we cut out a lamp and made the genie look as though he was coming out of the lamp. We hung them up in our room and they look great. Do you know a story that has a genie in it?

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When we finished our Genies we went into the Hall and sang on the stage. It was very exciting! Here is a movie of us singing. We hope you like it. Please tell us what you thought of it.

Untitled from Leanne Kolenberg on Vimeo.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? We hopped on a magic carpet that we made and had a wish. Some of the places we would go to are:
New Zealand, Kangaroo Island, Queensland, McDonalds, England, America and Wacky Warehouse. Would you like to go to any of these places?

Our Magic Carpet

Our Magic Carpet

Laptops in Room 4

We have access to a trolley of laptops on a regular basis and the children have a variety of tasks to do on them. They share them and have to work together. This week the children used ‘Comic Life to prepare a page about “THREE WISHES”. This is in conjunction with our upcoming whole school performance of Aladdin. Here are the children working on the laptops.

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Life Education Bus

We recently had a visit from the Life Education Bus. Life education encourages respect for the uniqueness of each individual. When our class went into the bus we looked at the main internal human body parts, the safe use and storage of medicines, being scared/pressured to do things and ways of coping,safety in public places and appropriate remedies for illness. ‘Harold’ is a giraffe who takes the children on their journey.

Harold's Mystery Tour

Harold's Mystery tour



We love Harold! He wants to keep us safe.

We love Harold! He wants to keep us safe.