Molly's Visit by Ben.

Today my Grandpa came with Molly .Molly is a Maltese poodle. Molly is very cute. She has sleep overs at my house. The childen in my class liked Molly.

Molly and Me

My Grandpa, Molly and Me.

I love Molly.

I love Molly.

6 thoughts on “Molly's Visit by Ben.

  1. Dear Ben,
    Molly is very, very cute! I like her shaggy fur! Does your Grandpa have to brush her a lot?
    Mrs Robertson

  2. Dear Ben
    You are lucky that you get to see Molly when you visit your Grandpa. Molly looks very happy to be sitting on your lap.
    From Mrs Nelson

  3. Hi Mrs K and class. Molly loved her visit with Ben and all the tummy rubs and pats you gave her. She loves children ( even more than other dogs !) so gets very excited when she meets new people. Thank you for being so friendly and polite during Ben’s talk and your questions after, I think you are a great class.
    Ben’s Grandpa.

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