Making Our Genies

Today with the help of a mum, we made our very own genies. We used a small cylinder covered in paper and beautiful material. Our genie’s faces were foam balls. We stuck on goggly eyes and a beautiful jewel as an earring. we cut out a lamp and made the genie look as though he was coming out of the lamp. We hung them up in our room and they look great. Do you know a story that has a genie in it?

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When we finished our Genies we went into the Hall and sang on the stage. It was very exciting! Here is a movie of us singing. We hope you like it. Please tell us what you thought of it.

Untitled from Leanne Kolenberg on Vimeo.

11 thoughts on “Making Our Genies

  1. Fantastic Singing everyone. Can’t wait to see you all perform at Aladdin. The genies you made are amazing, what a great job.

  2. Wow Guys! 🙂
    You are all doing such an amazing job with your Aladdin making and singing. Keep up the great work!

  3. Your Blog is fantastic. I loved to see your genies and hear you sing. I imagine they look wonderful flying around your classroom right now. I can’t wait to see Aladdin next week and I have heard that you have all been rehearsing so hard all term.
    From Mrs. Dzunko

  4. I liked the class singing. It was beautiful. The good part in Aladdin was the whole new world song.
    The genies is stunning.

  5. Hi, you really look like you have had fun making your genies! You sang the genie song really well in your 2 videos! Your genies looked fantastic too! Well done room 4!

  6. Did you know that making our genies was one of the best crafts i’v ever done in my life?. I was so excited when Mrs. Kolenberg said we were going to make our very own genies. I wish they were real so I can make three wishes.

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